The Finding

Walking home her pouch nice and full of her latest gathering of ingredients as well as a full bag of fresh vegetables and fruits Zsophia hummed her favorite tune without care in the world. I need to get used to these colder… Yikes!” Suddenly her foot started to move the wrong way and her ankle turned sharply to the outside. After falling to the ground, she sat up and dusted her self off.

“Oh no my pouch!” All of the contents had spilled out all over the place “My food!” She sighed. As she put her knee down to get up she felt something sharp. “Ouch what the heck?” Looking under her cloak she was a green crystal on a chain like a necklace.

“Well if I had been stepped and kneeled on I would be sharp and mad as well. I apologize.” She said to the little green stone. Wincing she moved to gather everything back to their proper places she looked again at the crystal.

“Well I expect I ought to take you with me. After talking with The Ivae’ness and Leah you may be part of this mystery. Someone must be missing you. Also…” She held up the necklace she saw the light play oddly through it. “There is something quite different about you. I have not seen anything like you here. I should like to learn more of you.” Putting the crystal necklace into her pouch Zsophia limped her way home.

The terror of the gardens or how the whap ‘em stick got its name

Looking out the window she squealed in cheer. “Go blue go! Go red go!” The little elf cheered both sides as she watched them fight. It was a special type of fighting papa called sparing. It was practice fighting for something the adults called war. All the little girl knew that it was fun to watch. The one she liked the best was the sticks. They were not as scary or loud as swords. Bows had arrows that flew far and seemed hard to use. She liked the sticks. They made a fun whap sound.

“Oh ho! A little warrior.” Her father laughed. “Which do you like?”

“I like the whap ‘em sticks!” She clapped.

“A whap ‘em stick eh? Are you going to use them for war?” Papa asked the little girl.

“Yes Papa… what is war?” Innocent green eyes asked.

“It is an adult thing.” Mama said. “You are too little for war or swords.”

“She does not like swords.” Papa promised.

“So, what is it then?”

“Whap ‘em sticks.” He laughed at the new name. “Do not worry little girls do not play with whap ‘em sticks. You can’t even pick one up.” He teased.

“I can so!” The little black braid swung as she stomped out to the field to where the fighters were cooling off. “I can to pick it up papa see!” She looked at the stick. It was bigger when she was up close. She tried to pick it up in the middle, but she couldn’t She went to one end and pulled up on it. After a moment it raised up. “See Papa! I can to pick up the whap ‘em stick”

The men laughed as they watched the daughter of their lord looked so pleased with herself. The innocent name given to the weapon amused them as well.

“Little one, You must pick it up in the middle.” Papa said somberly. “You may try again in one year to pick it up.”

“We will put it up in a special place it will be your … whap ‘em stick.” One of the men promised with a smile at the determined child.

She smiled and kissed the old warrior on the cheek then bounced to her Papa and Mama. Next year she was able to pick it up a little closer to the middle. The following year even closer.

One day excited after watching the men she found a whap ‘em stick her size. The gardener left it out so she picked it up. It swung for her but the trunk the tree did not make a whap sound. She tried the tall grass near the koi pond. No whap sound. With a shrug she said “whap!” Swung again then “whap” again.

Soon she was going around the garden swinging her stick yelling “whap!” And hitting things. “Whap wap! Whap whap!” Flowers fell to her mighty stick. “Whap whap! Whap whap!” she cut down the other side in war. She had learned that war was a big fight where people hit hard. “Whap Whap!” Petals flew.

“Zsophia!” Papa called. “What are you doing?” He seemed annoyed but there was laughter in his eyes. “How did the garden offend you?” He gestured all around them.

“The garden offends?” Looking around she saw the remnants of berry bushes and flowers and other plants lay on the ground. “It didn’t …..I guess I just… it is my size.” She blinked holding up the stick. “I was making war.”

“Looking more grave papa sat down. “Little one…. See then end of your whap ‘em stick? See the berry juice on it?”

“Don’t you dare! I forbid.” Mama came running over. “You will hand over that whap ‘em stick. You will help fix this garden. I forbid you trying to pick up that whap ‘em stick this year. You are not for war. You are a healer!”

“Beloved…” Papa began. “Healers are needed in war.”

“I do not care! She is my daughter too and I put my foot down here and forbid for ten years. During which you will put time in other things.” Mama was not in jest.

“For ten years it is.” Papa nodded. “Zsophia you will study other thigs. We will still keep your whap ‘em stick. So, if you want to you may try again in ten years.

Zsophia finds a new home

Loving her home in Caledon Zsophia knew it was time to spread her wings and stretch her legs. She wandered through lands new and old. Seeing much of what the grid has to offer. Seeing some things she wish she could forget. Taking pictures keeping a song in her mind. It sings “I’m a…” As she learns more of the grid she learns more of who she is.

Along the way she seemed to loose her tail and cat ears and in stead sprouted new elven ears. loving them she found her way back to Caledon then away again a always returning to her motherland before she went and looked again unwilling to be to long away. If for no other reason she saw friends at the gatherings.

One day when wandering with a friend they stumbled upon a new land. Wandering around they discovered the land is called Valinor. It being a home to elves. Then she discovered that it was attached to a much larger land called Dunaisling.

Now she has her motherland to travel to at times and her new home in Valinor which is in an ancient tree next to the library. Many new adventures await here which may be put in her journal here…

She still is about!

Frighteningly this is a near thing.

I was just within the last few days released from Hospital them having found blood clots in my lungs and leg and a hole in my heart.

I am doing ok, I need to look to healing and strengthening myself again. IT is going to be something of a process.

I am still in SL hiding from many. Sundays are generally my off SL day. Going to be more involved in a few things and letting others go.

I have been been going through many different changes.

I have lost someone dear to my heart to death.

There has been much going on.

So Z is back here and there byes

Talk About a Rude Awakening.

Well Comicon here was amazing. I had fun and will write about it tomorrow. For now I am going to tel you about my morning.

Now keep in mind we have found some bees in the house as of late. And I am allergic to them.

I thought that I was asleep and hearing a buzzing. My thought? Seriously I am dreaming about the wretched things? Wait I am not sleeping. There is one of the dang things in my room!

Then I felt and heard it. The lack of buzzing and the light touch of something on my cheek. I felt movement. Oh dear lord it landed on me.I did not move, did not breathe. Then I heard buzzing and the feeling left my cheek.

I opened my eyes and saw it on the curtains. As I was opening and leaving my room I was putting on my robe I wanted out and now!

So I go up stirs a bit shaky and tell my roommate about it. She is the bee catcher She goes in and comes out she did not see or hear it.

Fine I am getting dressed and out of there. I grabbed some clothing out of my tall drawers and stood up. I am now face to face with the bee.

I call my roomie she goes in and she gets it. I get dressed and leave the room. Then I have my breakfast.

I am not sure how long my adrenaline rush lasted but it was a while.

Now I have heard ha the fear response were fight or flight. I add a new one freeze. It saved me from a sting to say the least.


So I was on Netflix being brain fryed (still am) and I decide to watch a documentary. It is called Stripped. I am curious. It is about comic Strips. Cool I like those.

It is an interesting Documentary it brings up many ideas and historical facts. It speaks to many comic strip artists and I realize that there are some comics that have been taken out of the paper and yes this is a bummer. They also bring up Web comics. Phooey I like mine in print! (Yes I can be a throwback) If I can find some I am missing ok I will have a look.

So after the show I figure fine I said I would give it a try  let’s see what I can find. Dogpile for the search. ok we will check it out.

oooooooooooo happy day!! I found bloom county!!!!! And a few others I like and they have the archive…. Oooooo it goes back quite a bit….. Sweet many I likes and have been missing. Ok make free account.

Now an artist from the show… Kate Beaton… Makes a cartoon about historical figures…. Dogpile….ok it is called Hark, a vagrant…. lets look…. Oh lordy! (insert giggles) ok archive let’s just have a look… (groans at joke)…. ok I like this one.

So what is this about? Meh nothing much but if you are like me and like comics The Web is a good place for them so 4 recommendations.

1) Dogpile for searches

2) Stripped Netflix

3) for alot of different comics

4) Hark! A Vagrant For a snicker worthy comic

ok so two things

first thing it is finally done!!!!! I blame the Sex Pistols for this beginning it in the first place.

I went to play my Sex Pistols album only to find it had disappeared. This is bad I mean very freaking bad.

Well I figure it is on the other computer. Much to my relief it was. So I go to throw it on the portable hard drive and there it is giggling at me. (it is the Sex Pistols you know they were laughing their collective Arses off)

Ok fine I go to transfer it over and have a good listen. Grumble grumble it does not want to play nice. Crud I have to do  this the long way. Sigh.

The long was being I have to dig through stuff I already have on the computer to put this on. As I am in the iTunes folder I come to a realization. Ya know I have not seen this on my player and I had been thinking that my player was rather light. But meh I want my Sex Pistols thank you very much! So I go through and listen to each song and am happy bunny.

Ya know I ough to check on the song. I click it and oh wow it was not on. Not a problem I will listen to it too. So I listen and enjoy. Wait that one is not either? Meh. I kick back and enjoy that one. That one isn’t either…. So doing a quick scan I realize. Oh lord none of these are on my player. OoooooK We know what to do click it let it start go on to next. So that is what I do.

I can’t believe it about three quarters of my music is not on my player? I only have one quarter on? Oh Lord this is going to take a bit.

Four hours later I have been at this and I am about to lose my mind. I surrender for the last two hours of the night. Right then it is morning and let’s get this thing done.

Two hours hours I am doing my happy dance (no musical accompaniment) I am done!!!! Go up heat up a couple of homemade tamales. Oh wait. I need to check if I….

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I am calling it done!!!

It is all the Sex Pistols fault!

The Second thing. Either tonight or tomorrow I am done with my self imposed exile from Second Life. I get it now. I have seen what I can accomplish without it on. My favorite excuse for staying one was dealing with my inventory which is an unholy mess. It is never going to be completely finished. Time to take my OCD an look at something else.

I will be AFK at times when I am on so I can get some things done. But ya I get it. Lesson learned I think. Besides I miss talking to my friends.

O,o Dr. Who is right?

Watching a show on quantum physics.

Yes I am a proud geek you out to look on Netflix cool things to be found.

Ok. so electrons can be in two places at once.

It matters if we watch it or not. If we watch it the electrons are particles  if we don’t look a them they are waves O,o

When we do not watch them the physicists say that they were waves when we open our eyes and now they are particles an it looks like they always have been. So it is like they go back in time back to where they were fired from change from waves into particles.

And there is the thing called tunneling where for an electron to get through the wall the past borrows energy from the future so the now can become the future…

Also the idea of this wold is actually happening in such a way that every decision actually sprouts not just the decision you made (burger or salad) you think you made one decision but a different you in a different universe (helps the idea of the multi-verse) So technicality you have both.

Oh also supports the M theory for the model of the multi-verse I always liked that one the best of the three most poplar. (remember the geek thing)

If you ask me this whole thing is wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Only certain people actually get it and the rest of us nod and smile and go along for the ride. be it the TARDIS or through a screen

So Dr. Who is right!!


Oh an the most of these things can be explained with  baseball and a wall.